Datum konání:
03. únor 2022 od 09:30
Místo konání:
Microsoft Teams
The webinar is primarily addressed to foreign researchers and doctoral students who were employed on research projects or had an employment contract with the UCT Prague in 2021.
Duration from 9:30 a.m. to 10:45 a.m., February 3, 2022
Microsoft Teams: Link
Lecture topics:
• Basic information on taxable income of natural persons, income tax rates, tax reliefs and allowances in the Czech Republic
• Information on international income taxation,
• about, who can apply for a tax return through their payroll accountant at UCT Prague and how to communicate with her through the OKbase attendance system,
• about benefits and obligations of a tax resident in the Czech Republic,
• what are conditions of being a tax resident and how to apply for a Certificate of a tax domicile (residency) in the Czech Republic.
• Who must file a Tax return to the Tax office themselves (DIY) and how to proceed
• What documents are required for the Tax return?
• What are deadlines for filing the Tax return?
Lecture will be given by:
Ing. Anna Mittnerová who assits to foreign researchers and doctoral students in administrative matters at UCT Prague and in contact with the Czech state administration.
In 2020 and 2021, she was the Head of the team implementing the project with a title "Administrative Guide for International Researchers" PRADIP that was supported by a grant from the Ministry of Education. The outputs of the project are available on the website https://eupro.vscht.cz/pradip
Questions can be sent to: anna.mittnerova@vscht.cz
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Registrace na seminář je možná od 31. leden 2022 od 08:00 do 03. únor 2022 do 09:00