Datum konání:
05. květen 2022 od 16:00
Místo konání:
UHELNA, VŠCHT, budova A, Technická 5, Dejvice, 166 28 Praha 6
UNIQORN association cordially invites you to another interesting talk! This time we have the pleasure to invite Tomáš Kroupa, Ph.D. from SCTbio.
The lecture is titled “Postdoc at the NIH, or There and Back Again”. The lecture will be in English.
When? May 5, 2022
Where? Uhelna (Building A) OR an Amphiteater in Technická street in front of CTU
Retrovirus, NIH, and a CAR-T cell walk into a bar… The beginning of the worst joke ever or a topic for an atypical Thursday afternoon talk.
This lecture is going to be slightly unusual. My journey from studies at UCT Prague to research at the National Institutes of Health and back to Prague, this time into the industry. I will give a brief overview of what the NIH is, how it works, and what you can expect if you decide to go there—and why you should at least think about it. There is going to be some science as well—how is the retroviral particle assembled around its genomic information, why is it important to know, and how problematic is to find out the right answer. I will wind up the talk with a short experience with work in the pharmaceutical industry—how hard is the transition, how is industry different from academia, and how is the work not really that different.
Short Introduction of the lecturer:
Tomáš Kroupa is currently a Process Development Specialist at SCTbio in Prague. SCTbio is a Contract Development and Manufacturing Organization that produces cancer therapy and currently has one
CAR-T cell therapy in Phase I clinical trial. Tomáš obtained his Ph.D. in biochemistry at the University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague, and then spent 4.5 years as a Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow at the National Cancer Institute in the United States where he was a member of the Retrovirus Assembly Section of the HIV Dynamics and Replication Program studying recognition of viral genomic RNA for packaging.
We are a new academic association of students and employees of UCT, aiming to bring all students and employees closer together and increase their interaction within and across departments. All this alongside with broadening of the education of all of us.
How? We are planning to organize compelling talks, lectures, workshops, or student activities.
UNIQORN welcomes people with a broad range of interests, and for this reason, the association is divided into working groups. This lecture is organized by the oldest group, PhD_Post.doc Talks, from which the UNIQORN association technically has emerged.
If you are interested in joining us and becoming a member, please, contact marketa.novakova@vscht.cz.
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Registrace na seminář je možná od 06. duben 2022 od 08:00 do 05. květen 2022 do 15:00