Datum konání:
18. březen 2022 od 09:00
Místo konání:
UHELNA, VŠCHT, budova A, Technická 5, Dejvice, 166 28 Praha 6
UNIQORN association cordially invites you to another interesting talk! This time we have the pleasure to invite Dr. Ignacio Valiente-Blanco from Alcalá University.
Dr. Valiente-Blanco will give a lecture on “Superconducting Bearings in Advance Engineering and Space Applications”. The lecture will be in English.
When? March 18, 2022. 9-11am
Where? Uhelna (Building A)
Mechanical contact, friction and wear causes detrimental effects in most machines with moving elements, which ultimately limits their lifetime and reliability. High-temperature bulk Superconducting Magnetic Bearings (SMB) offer a passive and frictionless alternative for the construction of advanced machines and mechanisms with improved performance. In this lecture, state-of-the-art applications in engineering and space applications of SMB are introduced: from renewable energy storage flywheels to advance optical instruments in space telescopes. Furthermore, the requirements and fundamentals of the design of SMB will be discussed, alongside ways for improvement of their levitation and mechanical properties. Finally, future opportunities for further development of the technology will be introduced.
Short Introduction of the lecturer:
Ignacio Valiente is an associate professor at the mechanical engineering area of Universidad de Alcalá (UAH) in Spain. Before joining the UAH team, he was the Technical Director of the company MAGSOAR devoted to the development of advanced magnetic mechanisms and machines for high-tech applications. Ignacio has been responsible for several developments of superconducting levitation systems including the FP7 Space MAGDRIVE project where a superconducting magnetic gear was developed or the ESA Levisolator project where a superconducting suspension prototype was developed for vibration isolation and thermal disconnect of the focal plane array in the ESA ATHENA telescope. Ignacio is co-author of more than 40 scientific contributions, 3 books in superconductivity and 5 patents and he is co-founder of 3 spin-off companies.
We are a new academic association of students and employees of UCT, aiming to bring all students and employees closer together and increase their interaction within and across departments. All this alongside with broadening of the education of all of us.
How? At least once a month, we are planning to organize compelling talks, lectures and workshops or student activities.
UNIQORN welcomes people with a broad range of interests, and for this reason, the association is divided into working groups. This time, we will introduce you to our Craft Club working group. If you are interested in joining us and becoming a member, please, contact marketa.novakova@vscht.cz.
We are looking forward to seeing you there!
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Registrace na seminář je možná od 08. březen 2022 od 08:00 do 17. březen 2022 do 15:00