Datum konání:
14. prosinec 2021 od 14:00
Místo konání:
Uhelna (Building A, VSCHT Praha) or MS Teams (link will be sent the day before the event)
The Project Centre would like to invite you to the Research Fellows Conference, which will take place on Tuesday 14th December 2021 in the lecture hall "Uhelna/Coal Room" (Building A, Technická 5, Prague - Dejvice). The conference will be held in a hybrid form so that you can choose to participate directly at Uhelna or by following the event online.
Short talks of 5-8 minutes will be held by international research fellows whose research stay at UCT Prague is supported by MSCA IF, ChemFells IV and ChemJets2 mobility projects.
Join the event to meet the fellows and discover an exciting range of topics, including:
and more…
For a complete list of talks and information on speakers please go to https://www.vscht.cz/research/research-fellows
The conference is open to all interested colleagues and students of UCT Prague
Date: 14th December 2021
Time: 14:00 – 17:20 (followed by discussion, networking and, if possible, refreshments)
Venue: lecture hall "Uhelna/Coal Room" (Building A) or via MS Teams (link will be sent to registered participants the day before the event)
LTI20005 Kancelář podpory mezinárodních projektů a podpora integrace zahraničních výzkumníků v ČR,
rozšířená o informační platformu pro podporu inovací v oblasti potravin, program MŠMT INTER-EXCELLENCE
Pro příhlášení na seminář musíte být přihlášen v aplikaci.
Pokud nemáte svůj účet, můžete si ho vytvořit zde
Registrace na seminář je možná od 29. listopad 2021 od 08:00 do 13. prosinec 2021 do 15:00