Jak chemičtí inženýři zachraňují životy?

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Datum konání: 19. květen 2015 od 14:00
Místo konání: Ballingův sál, NTK

Jaké jsou role chemiků, chemických inženýrů a biochemiků ve vývoji a výrobě inovativních léčebných prostředků? Důležitost dat, informací a jejich zpracování ve výrobě a vývoji nových léčiv. Nejnovější vývoj v oblasti farmacie.

Životopis Dr. Thiena:

Dr. Thien has worked in new product and process development at MSD for 20 years.  After receiving his B.S. in Chemical Engineering from Caltech (1982), an Sc.D. from MIT in biochemical engineering (1988) and a post doc at the Whitehead Institute of Biomedical Research.

 In April of 2009, Dr. Thien was appointed to Senior Vice President, Global Science, Technology and Commercialization where he became additionally responsible for developing MSD's late stage process development and technical manufacturing support capabilities for therapeutic proteins. 

Mike has made numerous invited conference presentations and guest lectures on the pharmaceutical industry and is a member of the ACS, AIChE and ISPE.  He sits on the Advisory Board for MIT's Department of Chemical Engineering and chairs a similar board for the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at Tufts University.